It has been quite a while since I updated the blog. I blame it on the holidays and the fact that every time I sit down, I doze off. But, I am so excited to update today because I'm still pregnant (eeek! Still so weird to say!) and things seem to be going well.
Ultrasound #2
Our second ultrasound was on November 8. I went alone to this one because we knew it'd be really quick and didn't want to use up Mr. Merman's time off. This ultrasound was so incredible for so many reasons. First of all, I got to see the baby's heart beating! My RE told me to take a video for Mr. Merman. (I love her so much)! I've watched it a hundred times since that day. I'm so thankful that she allowed me to video this as we'll always have it and that special memory. Baby's heart rate was at 174 and was only measuring a day off. Due to the great news, we officially graduated from the RE. It was surreal!
I went in around 3:30 in the afternoon. I'm assuming I was the last appointment because no one was there and they immediately called me back. The phlebotomist shouted a big, "CONGRATULATIONS!" as the nurse was walking me to my room. After the ultrasound, my RE gave me a parting gift (a baby spoon with "Best Wishes" engraved on it) and a huge packet of my paperwork from my time spent with their office. She told me that I better send pictures and that she couldn't wait to meet my baby. As I was leaving, the receptionist shouted another congratulations and told me to come back and visit with Baby. By the time I made it to the elevator, my eyes were filled with joyful tears. I GRADUATED!!!
Ultrasound #3
My first appointment with the OB was a week ago. My husband and I went together as we didn't know what to expect. My best friend told me that they won't do another ultrasound til week 20 so Mr. Merman thought he better come see this one. We waited at least 45 minutes before being called back, at which point I thought I was going to pee all over myself. Once we were finally called into the room, she informed me that they didn't even need a urine sample! All that tortuous holding for nothing. Argh.
The ultrasound tech was so great about letting us look at the baby for a while. She even let us take a short video. We could see him/her wiggling around while watching the heartbeat. We also got to hear the heartbeat for the first time! I could have laid in that chair listening to the heartbeat forever. It was such an amazing experience that I thought I'd never get to have. Baby was measuring exactly 9 weeks with a heart rate of 189. He/she was slightly larger than an inch. They measured my cervix and checked all my anatomy. The ovaries were cyst-free and everything looked perfect.
We met with a midwife to go over the basics and next steps in pregnancy. It was all a bunch of stuff I already know but was good to hear. My next appointment is on Dec. 16 but won't include an ultrasound. I may have to work some charming magic to get one out of them. I'd really like to be able to see my baby to make sure it's still in there. Pregnancy after infertility is so nerve-racking.
We've slowly been announcing to people over the past couple of weeks. Hiding a pregnancy is extremely hard but I think it has been even more difficult for us because of the infertility journey we went on. So many people know of the journey and knew we were taking extreme action. Naturally, this leads to lots of questioning and support. We can only make up excuses for so long.
We told my parents 2 weeks ago. We invited my mom and stepdad to lunch. After we ordered our food, I told them I had something to show them. Mr. Merman started recording as they opened their gifts. We gave Mom a onesie that says, "Hello Granny! Coming June 2017." My stepdad opened the frame that we made with the ultrasound picture in it. They were surprised and thrilled! My mom almost started crying. After that, we drove to my dad's to give him a birthday present. It was a shirt that says, "Grandpas are Dads Without Rules." I taped an ultrasound picture to the top of the tissue paper so that he would see it as soon as he opened the gift. It took him a minute to process what was happening but as soon as he did, he got really excited. It felt so good to FINALLY be able to tell my parents. I think we may have overwhelmed my dad as we laid the whole infertility story on him at the same time. I explained everything we had been through over the past 3 years to get to this point. He seemed a little shocked but said he knew something was up cause he knew we started trying years ago.
We sent the announcement frame to Mr. Merman's parents in the mail. I wrote "DO NOT OPEN UNTIL YOU CALL US" all over the box in red marker. They ended up getting the package a day early so we FaceTimed them when Mr. Merman got home from work. I think they had an idea of what it was because of the nature of the situation. But, it didn't change their reaction at all. His mom started tearing up and his dad just kept saying, "We were hoping!" It was the sweetest reaction and they couldn't have been happier.
I finally told my sister and niece this past Monday. I gave my sister a mug that says, "The Best Sisters Become the Coolest Aunts" and gave my niece a t-shirt that says, "Best. Cousin. Ever." My niece immediately knew what it meant but my sister thought I was just giving her a mug to remind her what an awesome aunt I am (hahaha). It wasn't until she saw my niece's shirt that it clicked. She screamed my name then started jumping up and down clapping as she ran to hug me. It was, by far, my favorite reaction. My niece is so excited to possibly share her birthday with her new little cousin. Although, she did admit that she didn't want to spend her birthday in the hospital.
I've told a few friends this week and am still in the process of telling some more. As for now, we're just telling the people that are closest to us and knew about our struggle. My friends have been so incredibly supportive. Two of my girlfriends came over Wednesday and I had the "Big Sister" bandanna on the dog. Another one of my closest friends is coming by in a few hours. She's the one that announced her pregnancy just before we did our transfer, which was devastating. But, now, I'm so extremely excited to tell her that we're just 10 weeks apart and get to experience becoming mommies together! I'm pretty sure she'll cry, which will make me cry, and I can't wait! I've been so excited about telling her so that we can share our pregnancy stories & go through the process together.
Pregnancy Updates
I've officially gained 1 whole pound. It feels like a lot more but I guess that's just because I'm bloated. I look and feel pretty normal in the mornings. By the end of the day, my belly seems huge. I broke down and bought a maternity bra because my other bras just keep shrinking and are getting very uncomfortable. ;) I also bought a belly band. I can still wear most of my jeans but am struggling to squeeze into my dress pants for work. The belly band will make it possible for me to continue wearing my normal clothes for a while longer. I wore it for Thanksgiving yesterday and LOVED it.
I'm not really having any cravings. I just get really hungry and need food immediately. It's like this ravenous hunger that can't be stopped. Sometimes, I get headaches and nausea if I don't eat right away. However, I did go on a wild cheese rampage last week. Everything I ate was covered in some type of cheese, especially cream cheese. MMMmmm!!!
So far I haven't had any morning sickness. I've definitely experienced some extreme nausea though. I found some organic ginger tea that seems to help. I guess that replaces the coffee I used to drink by the pot before getting pregnant.
Getting up in the middle of the night to pee has ceased to exist, thankfully! I try not to drink anything after 8 PM and always pee right before getting in bed. I've been able to sleep for about 6 hours before waking up to pee. It's AMAZING! I don't know if it's the hormones or what but I'm so glad I'm no longer getting up to pee all throughout the night. I need a few more weeks of good solid sleep before the years of no sleep begin.
The tiredness seems to be getting better. I've been off all week and getting TONS of sleep so maybe that has something to do with it. We'll see how I feel next week when I get back into the work routine. I've been pretty productive this week and proud of myself for actually getting some chores done around the house.
My 8-week Art Work... 2 weeks later |
This was our year to do Thanksgiving with the in-laws. But, I wasn't comfortable flying or driving 18 hours during my first trimester so we stayed home. Instead, we hosted Thanksgiving at our house for the first time ever! My mom, stepdad, and sister came over. I'd say it was a successful holiday gathering! Luckily, Mom was in charge off all the hard cooking. I just made some gluten-free sides and pumpkin pie cheesecake.
For the first time in years, I was able to actually fully enjoy the holiday. I wasn't a big ball of depression. I wasn't thinking about how we were celebrating yet another childless holiday season. Instead, I was focused on actually being thankful and feeling happy. I was able to imagine what it will be like having a 5-month old next Thanksgiving and it was a GLORIOUS feeling! Several people have commented that something is different. They tell me that I seem more happy and alive. Trust me, it was a long road but totally worth it to be where we are now. This year, I'm thankful for the friends and family that supported us throughout the journey. I'm thankful that we were able to come up with the funds needed to make this pregnancy happen. And, most of all, I'm thankful that I have a little baby swimming around in my uterus right now. I'm still in complete shock that this is actually happening.
Lovely post. I got tears in my eyes reading about all your pregnancy announcements to your family members! So nice to be sharing such good news finally! Glad you had a lovely Thanksgiving too, yep crazy to think there will be a 5 month old there next year.